Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last day in Milan, Italy June 26, 2010

On the last day in Milan we wanted to go to the castle that was located in the city--somewhere--we had no idea where. We knew that we could pay for a taxi, but didn't want to pay the high price--so we did what all tourists should do--we asked the man at the desk at the hotel and he told us to take the underground. Yikes! The subway--no way--but we did! It was fun.
The Sforzesco Castle

The castle was build originally in 1385 and rebuilt in 1500

We were especially interested in the moats. The moats were completed in the early 17th century. Of course, there is no water in them now, and the drawbridge has been cemented over as a pathway into the castle.

One of the things that I learned about Milan, if you are blessed with straight hair, there is no sense in curling it in the morning, because about 1/2 hour after walking out in the hot sun and the high humidity--the hair is completely straight!

Don decided that he needed to take a rest!

We met up with the Frosts after we got back from the castle. We treated them on a ride on the underground to take them to places in Milan that they wanted to see. At first, they thought we were crazy that we wanted to go on the underground but they were happy when they finally agreed and we had a good time!

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