Because the temple is closed for two weeks we are traveling through parts of Europe with our friends Carol and Ronald Frost. They are the only other American couple that is serving in the Frankfurt Temple.
This is Don's very favorite place in all of Europe--he has to check out every bakery that we walk past. This one he decided that you all needed to see what he is seeing. However it was close to closing time, so a lot of the goodies were gone--but the heavenly smells that come out invite everyone in to take a peek.
At Rhein Falls.
The boat goes out to the big tree covered rock just beindh it--if you look closely you can see stairs up towards the top where
a person can walk up and be surrounded by water--we didn't take the boat ride because it was very cold and we didn't want to get wet--whoever went out to the rock GOT WET!!!
Looking down onto the Roof tops in Bern Switzerland--all we need now is some chimney sweeps dancing along the roof tops and we have Mary Poppins!
This is clock tower in Bern Switzerland. Here we are in front of the Clock tower!
Here we are standing on a bridge overlooking the City of Bern, Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland
We went to a Cheese Factory way out in the country. The cheese was wonderful!
Emmenthaler Valley. Switzerland is just as I pictured it would be--it has hundreds of small villages set up in the green hills, with big farms and lots of brown and white cows. The government here pays farmers to keep little brown and white cows as a tourist attraction and there are lots of them outside of the cities.
Some of the brown and white cows--these were up close, but there are hundreds grazing out in the fields.
The man of this family has a love affair going with barns--he can't get enough barns to look at, but there are thousands of them in Switzerland. This bar was across the street where we stayed with a family in a little village outside of Bern, Switzerland.
The next four pictures are of houses in the village where we stayed. Many of the houses are old barns that have been converted to houses. Many of the houses throughout the countryside are still connected to the houses--that way when it snows heavily, the animals are very close to the house so the people don't have to go far to get to the animals to take care of them.
We attended a session at the Switzerland Temple.
Us in Interlocken, Switerland--JungeFrau is the snowcapped mountain in the background--part of the magnificant Swiss Alps. Just behind us are parachute jumpers--they don't jump out of airplanes--they jump off the side of the high mountains and land in Interlocken--they are usually tandem jumpers--so an experienced jumper and someone just along for the ride.
So amazing! I would love to have an experience like you are having. Maybe some day.