Sunday, July 10, 2011


The best part of being on a temple mission here in Germany is meeting and learning to love the many people that come to the temple. People come from many different countries and it is a challenge to be able to communicate with them. But love speaks loudly and we feel much love and joy as we serve.

As the temple was closed for cleaning from June 28th through July 12th we were again able to travel through some parts of Europe with Ron and Carol Frost.

We went to Paris, France and the following are just a few of the many pictures that we took and we would like to share them with you.

Our Hotel Room had a fantastic view of the Eiffel Tower. We were a bit disappointed when we got there because there was scaffolding in front of our window. But we were still able to view Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

This is called The Sacre-Coeur, Montmartre and is located in the part of the city that we stayed in. It is a magnificant builting inside and out.

Hey, check out the shades! Overlooking Paris from the Cathedral grounds.

Eiffel Tower (through the scaffolding) just as it was starting to get dark and the lights had been turned on.

Inside the grounds of the Louve--you enter the Louve through the Pyrmide.

We took an "On, Off Bus" tour around the city. Many of the pictures were taken while we were on the bus.

This is the Seine River.

The Moulin Rouge--it was just through the block from our Hotel

Of course, we stayed outside, but everyone has to have a picture of this place.

Our hotel was in a great neighborhood--the neighborhood of the Moulin Rouge wasn't so great!

Yeah! The scaffolding was removed--we had a great view of the city and the tower.

Notre Dame--it was beautiful inside--unfortunately we couldn't take pictures, but we enjoyed our visit.

This is the Louve on the day we visited it. The lines were very long, but it was worth the wait.

Okay, this looks kind of like a parking lot--but it isn't. howAll of those vehicles are trying to move. Here in Germany we call it Stau--or Traffic Jam. It was amazing to us how everyone eventually got through without even a scratch on their vehicles.

More Stau

The Arc de Triomphe

It was amazing. And there was more traffic around it in the round-about that
goes around it than we have ever seen. Amazing!

Yep! We were there! It looks like the road under the tower, but it actually goes around it.

Did you ever wonder how people moved big furniture into apartments in high rises, when there are narrow halls. Well, we found out. However, we didn't get to stay and see how they turned this item around to get it through the window.

More of Paris

On the bus--enjoying the trip!

One of the really nice things about our trip, is that everwhere we went we met people that we already knew through the temple. This is Carma and Jean Claude Volnet, who live in Paris and they invited us to dine with them. It was a fantastic meal and a wonderful evening. What Great People!

Clowning around at the Wax Museum

Hey, George!

Who is she?

He's smiling at me--he likes me!

Dance with me?

Don finally gets to meet Obama!

Never thought I would get the chance to steal the ball!

Whoa, he is tall! Who is he?

Laurel and Hardy--who is their new sidekick?

Don't know who this is, but this picture is for Cynthia!

Enjoying a concert!

Royalty--giving a High Five!

My Mime

Church across the street from our Hotel.

We left Paris and Thursday. We had a great time in Paris. Fantastic City.

New stop: Beaches of Normandy!

Hope you enjoyed
a little bit of Paris

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